Socialising safely

The festive period can be a time of catching up, seeing loved ones, socialising more and going out more frequently.

While it is often a time many people look forward to, Warwickshire County Council is reminding people of the steps they can take to look after themselves and others during the festive period.  

It can be common for people to consume more alcohol, but there are tips to help people reduce how much alcohol they drink on a night out without missing out on the party:  

  • Swap alternate alcoholic drinks for soft drinks 
  • Try to have some alcohol-free days through the week 
  • Set a budget for social events – giving you a limit to how much you can spend or drink 

On nights out people are reminded to take steps to be safe on the streets and in bars, always let someone know where you are, keep a close eye on your drinks and use reputable taxi services. 

If you notice someone has had too much alcohol or taken drugs and needs urgent help, call 999 for an ambulance. Tell the crew everything you know. It could save their life. 

Councillor Margaret Bell, portfolio holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said:

“Socialising more can be a huge part of the festive period for some people. We want everyone to have fun but there are steps we can take to make sure we’re all keeping ourselves as safe as possible and looking out for the others around us. Following tips to stay hydrated on nights out, letting people know where you’re going and making sure you have a plan to safely get home will help us all to feel a bit better while still having fun.”  

For more advice about staying safe and well over winter, visit

Published: 15th December 2023

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