Recycling excess cardboard, glass and metal this year will still be easy, as Warwickshire recycling centres will retain their typical Christmas holiday opening timetable.
All sites will be shut on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve all sites will shut at lunchtime. Pre-booking is in place to visit any Warwickshire recycling centre and it is advised to book in advance to avoid disappointment.
The opening hours are 9:30 to 3 pm weekdays and 8:30 to 4pm at weekends.
All materials, such as wood, garden waste and electrical items are available for recycling. Visitors are advised to pre-sort waste when packing their car for an efficient visit. Booked visits are available for a 15-minute slot for a car or a car and small trailer. Appointments can be made on the day where there is availability. Full details of all of the waste streams that can be recycled at one of the 9 recycling centres in the county, and details of how to book, can be found at
The council are currently seeking views about the recycling centre service. Feedback can be given at:
Reuse shops at the recycling centres will also be open during the Christmas holidays. Opening days and times will broadly follow the recycling centre timetable, but the charity websites will carry full details on times and what materials are in demand for donations:
Judkins in Nuneaton reuse shop
Reuse shops at Lower House Farm near Atherstone, Hunters Lane in Rugby, Cherry Orchard in Kenilworth, Princes Drive in Leamington, Burton Farm in Stratford, Shipston and Wellesbourne:
Your local collection authority may have made changes to your collection days over Christmas, so check their website for the correct information:
Most household packaging can be recycled in your kerbside collection containers. Dry mixed recycling collected at the kerbside is taken to Sherbourne Recycling in Coventry where it is sorted before going for further processing in the UK. Find out more:
All food waste can be placed in your food waste kerbside bin if you live in Stratford or Warwick Districts. This goes to a facility in Coleshill run by Severn Trent Green Power and is used to generate energy and fertiliser.
All food waste can be placed in your green bin for composting if you live in Rugby, Nuneaton & Bedworth or North Warwickshire Boroughs. Food waste includes: meat, fish, diary, baked goods and plate scrapings, as well as all fruit and vegetable waste.
Tips for reducing food waste at Christmastime can be found at:
Cllr Heather Timms, portfolio holder for Environment and Heritage and Culture said: “I want to thank householders in Warwickshire, who have also stepped up their recycling in 2023 as well as reduced general waste. Thanks to efforts to separate out recycling in homes up and down the county, our recycling in Warwickshire has risen.
“Information about recycling will be kept up to date on the web over the holidays, including how to book a visit to a recycling centre. The appointments lead to an efficient visit, with much-reduced queues. Please separate your waste streams for recycling as you pack your car. Recycling all that you can at home and at the recycling centre is one easy way for householders to cut their carbon emissions and help the environment.”
Information about the recycling centres and booking can be found at
Residents can Follow Warwickshire Recycles on social media for daily tips:
- On Twitter –
- On Facebook –
Residents can find out where their recycling goes and the types of products it goes on to be remade into by visiting
For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit: