Warwickshire County Council is seeking views on all aspects of the county’s rights of way as part of a new engagement exercise.
Have your say today: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/insights-service/warwickshire-rowip/
A public right of way is a right by which the public can pass along linear routes over land at all times. Although the land may be owned by a private individual, the public have a legal right across that land along a specific route. Rights of way in Warwickshire are broadly split into four categories: footpath, bridleway, byway and recreational unclassified road.
There are around 1,700 miles of public rights of way across Warwickshire. These are found in locations that are both rural and urban and are important for a range of activities from exploring the beauty of the county to travelling to work or school on routes that are, generally, away from major roads.
The Council is calling upon all residents to take part in a new consultation exercise that aims to inform an improvement plan for these routes.
For residents who use Warwickshire’s public rights of way, the Council wants to hear about their experiences and how important they are in their daily lives.
For residents who do not use public rights of way, the Council wants to know what prevents them from doing so and what, if anything, it could do to support them in using them in the future.
Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning said: “Our extensive network of public rights of way are one of the many things that make Warwickshire a great place to live, work and play. These vital active travel highways support a wide range of activities from exploring the county’s natural wonders to allowing our residents to get to and from workplaces and schools.
“We hope as many residents as possible will take the opportunity afforded by this consultation exercise to tell us what they think about the county’s public rights of way in order to allow us to prioritise the improvements that will keep them relevant and useful for generations to come.”
Have your say here: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/insights-service/warwickshire-rowip/
This consultation will close on Sunday 10 March 2024.
More information about rights of way in Warwickshire can be found online: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/rightsofway