Communities affected by Hate Crime in the county are to benefit from the launch of a new Strategy for Tackling Hate Crime in Warwickshire.
The strategy has been launched by the Warwickshire Hate Crime Partnership, which is reminding residents that they can report Hate Crime online at www.reporthatenow.com.
Hate Crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice, based upon one or more identifying factors.
The Strategy for Tackling Hate Crime focuses on how Warwickshire’s Multi-Agency Hate Crime Partnership can work together with communities affected by Hate Crime in the county.
The Partnership is Chaired by the Chief Executive of the Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP), Junaid Hussain, who said:
“We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Hate Crime Strategy in Warwickshire, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to fostering a safer and more inclusive community.
“The culmination of tireless efforts and collaboration, the strategy and its accompanying action plan have been meticulously crafted based on the invaluable insights shared during our partnership engagement events throughout 2023.
“The input from individuals who have experienced hate, as well as the diverse voices from our communities across Warwickshire, has been instrumental in shaping a comprehensive approach.
“This strategy not only reflects their perspectives but also addresses the multifaceted challenges associated with hate crimes.
“Our commitment to increasing awareness and understanding of hate crimes, diverse reporting methods, and tailored support for different communities is at the forefront of this initiative.
“As the chair of the Warwickshire Hate Crime Partnership, I am proud to lead a team that is dedicated to creating a safer space for all. This strategy not only sets a strong foundation but also signals a collective effort towards eradicating hate in all its forms.”
Cllr Andy Crump, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, said: “In Warwickshire, there is no place for Hate Crime. Those who carry out Hate Crimes attack the essential values of acceptance and respect for other people that are the foundation of our diverse communities.
“We are dedicated to working with our partners to address every form of Hate Crime in Warwickshire. This new three-year strategy sets out the Partnership’s commitment to supporting victims of Hate Crime and to prevention through engagement and awareness.”
Sunday (21 January) was World Religion Day, which aims to promote understanding and peace between all religions, encouraging people to learn about other faiths and their followers.
Hate Crime, as monitored by the Warwickshire Hate Crime Partnership, is separated into five main strands that are reported to the Police and/or partner agencies, which are religion/faith, race, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Hate Crime is a priority for partner agencies and communities in Warwickshire and forms a core part of the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board’s ambition to tackle discrimination in all its forms.
The Strategy for Tackling Hate Crime will focus on engagement, awareness and training, schools and young people, support for victims, and links with the Prevent counter-terrorism strategy.
Warwickshire residents are reminded that there is already a reporting service delivered by the Partnership via the Report Hate Now website.
The online service allows anyone who experiences or witnesses Hate Crime to report it without directly contacting the police. This can be anonymous if the person chooses. In an emergency, people should call 999.
In addition to receiving reports of crime, the Report Hate Now website offers support and advice so victims can access the expertise they need. The reporting service is available at www.reporthatenow.com.
You can read the new Strategy for Tackling Hate Crime in Warwickshire here: https://safeinwarwickshire.com/crime-anti-social-behaviour/hate-crime