Warwickshire County Council is pleased to announce the start of vital safety improvements on the A439 Warwick Road in Stratford-upon-Avon.
This project aims to significantly reduce the number of collisions and create a safer, more accessible environment for all road users and pedestrians.
This road safety scheme will include a reduction in the speed limit, a protected turning lane at the Ingon Lane junction, which has experienced a high number of collisions, streetlighting to improve visibility of crossing pedestrians at fisherman’s car park, parking restrictions (physical engineering measures) to prevent dangerous parking along the route, an off-road cycle lane along the A439 Warwick Road Stratford, footway provisions which will better connect pedestrians to the town centre, as well as pedestrian crossings points where there is clear pedestrian movement across the highway.
In addition to this, there will also be signage and road lining improvements made across the entire route as well as a resurfacing of the carriageway to create a better experience for motorists. These works will be taking place from the junction of Welcome Road to the access of Ryan Hill Park, which is a distance of 2.8km.
It is expected that these works will take 5 months to complete. While there will be some unavoidable disruption, Warwickshire County Council is committed to keeping this to a minimum. A one-way southbound system will be implemented, and comprehensive diversion routes will be clearly signposted for the duration of works.
Cllr Tim Sinclair, Local Member for Stratford North, said: “I’m delighted to see these important safety works getting underway. This project addresses residents’ concerns about speeding, dangerous parking, and the high collision rate on this road. The improved cycling and walking facilities are also welcome additions.”
Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning: “We’re committed to ensuring safe roads for everyone in Warwickshire. These comprehensive upgrades on the A439 Warwick Road are a major step forward in achieving that goal and ensuring that our residents are supported through excellent transport infrastructure. The new cycle lane, improved pedestrian crossings, and reduced speed limit will make this busy route much safer and more user-friendly for all who wish to use it.”
Current and planned roadworks across Warwickshire can be found on the following link: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/roadworksmap