The council’s Living Well webpages include a wide range of information and services from in one place.
It promotes healthy lifestyles and encourages adults and their families to take preventative measures to keep themselves safe, healthy and independent.
One of the areas featured is financial support and residents are encouraged to visit for advice and support.
Many people will be feeling the effects of increased living costs and might be finding it hard to afford their food, energy and water bills, it can help to know that there is information and support available.
Living Well signposts to a number of resources, including advice for those who need support now through links to the county's cost of living website.
It provides guidance for residents who are struggling with household bills and for those who have no access to funds to cover these costs.
There are links to local Citizens Advice branches in Warwickshire for people who need urgent money advice including managing debt, finding out the benefits they’re entitled to, housing or employment support.
There’s also information for those who are struggling to support their families with childcare, finance or housing, as well as how to access emergency food support.
Managing the increase in household costs is also proving a challenge for many and the Living Well website includes information about the Government’s Help for Households scheme which supports people to save money and find affordable solutions to manage household budgets. Tips and ideas on how people can save energy and lower their household bills are also included.
Living Well also provides advice on scammers and loan sharks and what people can do to safeguard themselves. Scams are fraudulent or dishonest get-rich-quick schemes - there are many different types out there, with new ones regularly popping up to try and catch people out.
There’s advice on the latest scam alerts and links to useful apps to make it quick and easy to report loan sharks, as well as offering useful advice on the signs to look for to identify a loan shark and tips for how to find legitimate lenders.
Keeping warm is an important part of staying safe and well, but when cost of living pressures make it difficult for many people to afford to heat their homes sufficiently it can be hard to do so. The Warm Welcome Network has opened up locations across Warwickshire for those who are struggling with energy costs or are feeling lonely and isolated. Residents are invited to attend on their own or with their family or friends, to have a safe and warm place to spend some time.
Participating venues include Warwickshire libraries and community-led warm hubs – all of which are listed through the Living Well website so that people can find the nearest one to them.
Part of living well involves good nutrition and its important that people can look after themselves by having access to the right food, particularly as they get older. Food support is available for those who are struggling – including advice for how to afford or access food for themselves, links to Food Banks and Community Pantries, tips on eating well and how to make the most of leftovers to reduce food waste.
Living Well also covers money advice, including guidance to help people manage their money more effectively and get on top of any debts they have. People may be eligible for benefits or financial help depending on their circumstances and there are links to the options available, including Warwickshire County Council money support, Cost of Living payments and benefits.
Councillor Margaret Bell, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for Adult Social Care and Health said: “Living Well is more than just looking after your physical health, it’s a great resource if you are struggling with financial pressures and includes a wide range of advice and support, whatever your circumstances.
“If you are finding it tough in the current economic climate, the Living Well website can help you with budgeting, paying the bills or keeping yourself warm and fed. If you need urgent help I urge you to visit the site and take a look at the support that’s available to you.
“All of our residents deserve to be safe, well and independent and money shouldn’t be a barrier to that. Through signposting people to the right support and guidance, Living Well can offer tangible benefits to their financial situation as well as their health and wellbeing.”
Visit to find out more about the support available for residents in Warwickshire.
Warwickshire services are working together to help people find the information they need to manage household and living costs. Visit to find out more.