This Order is proposed under a developer led scheme, as part of a Section 278 Agreement. This order is proposed to replace a section of the existing 50mph with 40mph and extend the 30mph.

Public Notice and Legal Orders

Enquiries and Representations

Any objections or representations to the proposals, which must be in writing and specify the grounds on which they are made, should be addressed to Chris Gildea, County Highways Minor Works, Shire Hall Post Room, Rear of Shire Hall, Northgate Street, Warwick, CV34 4RL, or sent by email to using the subject heading “Knights Lane

Objections, representations, and the name of the objector or person making a representation, will normally be treated as public information and may be published. For further information on how Warwickshire County Council processes personal data please refer to the Customer Privacy Notice which is available at

Objections and representations must be sent so as to be received by 31 May 2024

Published: 7th May 2024

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