Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet has officially endorsed four pivotal projects proposed as part of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Delivering Better Value Programme.
Warwickshire is one of 55 local authorities taking part in the programme who have committed to identifying impactful changes aimed at enhancing outcomes for children and young people with SEND, while maximising financial resources.
The Delivering Better Value (DBV) programme will target four main areas:
The expansion of SEND Resourced Provisions. Resource provisions, situated within mainstream settings, serve as a vital link between mainstream and specialist provision in Warwickshire schools. Warwickshire currently has 19 resourced provisions supporting 176 pupils. Warwickshire County Council anticipate the opening of eight new resourced provisions in September 2024, offering an additional 68 places. Among these eight are Oakley Secondary School, Briar Hill Infant School, St John's Primary School, and Shipston Primary School.
Continued implementation of the Inclusion Framework Trial. The Inclusion Framework trial is continuing with 16 schools in Rugby and 15 in Bedworth, and discussions are taking place with schools in the south of the county. The Inclusion Framework forms a cornerstone of the SEND and Inclusion Change Programme and aims to bolster support at the SEND Support level, fostering increased confidence among Special Educational Needs Coordinators and parents, while facilitating a tailored response to each child’s needs.
The introduction of a Workforce Development Programme. This programme has been designed in collaboration with educational leaders and is geared towards sustaining support and confidence in mainstream schools for children with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. With an emphasis on developing understanding and decision-making, the initiative includes visits to specialist settings and observation of decision-making panels.
The Digital Infrastructure programme of work will focus on investment and advancement of systems supporting children with EHC plans, enhancing communication and confidence. Currently, the digital infrastructure relies on multiple systems and extensive email usage for communication.
Cllr Kam Kaur, portfolio holder for Education at Warwickshire County Council, said “The endorsement by Cabinet for the Delivering Better Value programme of work will not only ensure that we continue to improve the quality of provision we provide, but it will also help us to keep pace with emerging needs and demand whilst working towards longer term financial sustainability. This is essential so that we can continue to improve outcomes for children and young people and their families with SEND.”
You can read the Delivering Better Value Cabinet paper here SEND Delivering Better Value Programme.pdf (warwickshire.gov.uk)
Alternatively, to find more information on the Delivering Better Value programme visit: https://www.dbvinsend.com/