EbE stands for Expert by Experience; this means that you have personal experiences or knowledge of services from your own use of the services or though caring for someone else.

Being an Expert by Experience (EbE)

What is an EbE?

EbE stands for Expert by Experience; this means that you have personal experiences or knowledge of services from your own use of the services or though caring for someone else.

An EbE’s main role is to bring a viewpoint that comes from their own personal experience. 

It is important that those with lived experience and people who have used our services, are involved in the decisions and design of the support Warwickshire County Council offer.

What do I need to know?

  • You do not need qualifications or training to be involved.
  • There will be different projects or ways to be involved - you can choose.
  • The experiences you have had can be positive, negative or both.
  • You can stop at any time.
  • You can choose if and how you are paid.
  • Involvement opportunities vary as projects change and arise at different times. ‘Regular’ weekly or monthly hours cannot be guaranteed.

Payment and renumeration information

Can I be paid?

Being an EBE is an opportunity to participate in decisions and development that affect you and your communities, rather than a job.

Whilst it is not the same as being an employee of Warwickshire County Council with a contract, your time and input is valued and you can be paid.

  • You may be paid for your time and any reasonable expenses.
  • Travel and care expenses will be reimbursed.

How will I be paid?

You can choose if you want to be paid and how. 

You can choose bank transfer or a gift card.

We understand that not everyone will want to be paid for their involvement and respect everyone's choice. 

You can change your mind at any time - If you would like to change if and how you are paid then just let us know. 

To be paid into your bank we will need your bank details - These are stored securely on our payment system and are not accessible to anyone without permission. 

Payments for your time and reimbursement for travel or care will be made in separate transactions. 

Will it effect my benefits?

Payment from this role may be classed as earnings or income by HMRC or the DWP and could effect any benefits you receive. 

We recommend that you speak with Job Centre plus or other agencies as appropriate, to find out how this could impact you.

Benefits that may be effected:

  • Universal credit (UC)
  • Pension Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax support
  • Tax Credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support

Reimbursement of travel and care costs are not considered income if paid in a separate transaction to any payment for involvement. 

What about tax?

If you are paid more than the cost of travel and care reimbursement, this money may need to be taxed. If this exceeds £1000 per year you will need to submit a Self-Assessment to HMRC. 

Published: 19th June 2024

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