People with experience of adult social care in Warwickshire are invited to get together with a cuppa in September to share their stories.

Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) Over a Brew online event is a great opportunity for people to come together, make connections and use their knowledge to help make services the best they can be. 

The council, in partnership with leaders in co-production Curators of Change, is hosting the Warwickshire #OverABrew online event on Wednesday 18 September at 1pm – 2.30pm.

The aim of the event is to influence change in Warwickshire County Council’s Adult Social Care services through honest, open conversations between staff and people who have accessed or are currently accessing services as well as those with caring responsibilities. 

Joining the session will help the council to work together in equal partnership with these Experts by Experience – people who: 

  • have accessed adult social care in the past
  • are currently receiving our support
  • are a carer or have been a carer in the past   

WCC is committed to doing things differently and has been working alongside existing Experts by Experience to develop a deeper understanding of co-production in adult social care. There is further work that can be done, and it is important for more people to get involved and share their experiences.

Those who attend the online event can choose to listen or share their stories and experiences and find out more about how they can become an Expert by Experience and work with WCC s to improve services. All participants will be reimbursed for their time.

This online event is also an opportunity to meet the Curators of Change team and hear about their experience of co-production in developing services that reflect the needs and wishes of people who access care and support. 

All co-production online events are free to attend.  

Secure your place and book a ticket via

Published: 12th September 2024

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