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Syphilis is easy to treat but can cause life-threatening health issues if left undetected.

People in Coventry and Warwickshire are being encouraged to take a free test for syphilis as figures show rates of infection have increased both nationally and locally. Getting tested regularly and practicing safe sex can prevent this infection from being caught and transmitted. Free testing can be accessed at home or in clinics via the Sexual Health Hub.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be passed on through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

Many people with syphilis have no symptoms or don't notice them. The symptoms can come and go but if not treated the infection can be passed on. Syphilis is easy to treat and cure with antibiotics. Untreated syphilis will not go away on its own and can cause life-threatening health issues. Find out more about the symptoms of syphilis and how it is treated.

To avoid transmitting syphilis, it’s important to get tested every time you have any type of unprotected sex with a new or casual partner. The best way to protect yourself from syphilis and other STIs is to always use a condom. It’s particularly crucial to get tested if you or a partner have symptoms of syphilis, if you are pregnant or trying for a baby, or if you have used the same needle as someone who may have syphilis.

Alison Duggal Director of Public Health in Coventry said: “STIs can have a major impact on your health regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. Although the number of syphilis diagnoses was higher among gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in 2023, the rise in diagnoses was steeper among heterosexual men and all women.  The best way to reduce your risk of an infection is to use a condom consistently and correctly with new or casual partners.”

Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly can prevent the spread of syphilis and other STIs. Free, confidential sexual health testing is available at clinics or via discreet test kits that can be sent to your home. Syphilis is highly treatable and accessing treatment can prevent serious health issues from occurring.” 

To get tested locally contact the Coventry and Warwickshire Sexual Health Hub. The service offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL support for anyone over the age of 13.

Services can be accessed online (for those over 16 years) via The Sexual Health Hub website , by phone on 0300 247 0069, or at one of the local hubs:

Coventry: West Orchards Shopping Centre, Coventry, CV1 1QX

Rugby: Swan Centre, Chapel Street, Rugby, CV21 3EB

Leamington Spa: 32 Bath Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 3AE

Nuneaton: Bond House, Newdegate Street, Nuneaton, CV11 4EU.

Published: 12th December 2024

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