Residents across the county are invited to get involved in Book Bingo, a brand new reading challenge for adults launched by Warwickshire County Council’s library service.
The reading challenge begins this month and will continue throughout 2025, culminating in an exciting celebration event for participants in December.
The aim of Book Bingo is for participants to read, or listen to, books from twelve different categories on their bingo card throughout the year. For example, categories on the bingo cards may include a book to make you laugh, a book from a genre you would not normally read, or a non-fiction book.
Each time a participant completes a physical book, an eBook or an audiobook from one of the categories on their Book Bingo card, they can cross it off, until they get a ‘full house’.
Once participants complete the challenge, they can collect a badge as well as be entered into a prize draw to win £100 National Book Tokens. National Book Tokens are gift cards that can be used in bookshops in the UK and Ireland, and there are two £100 National Book Tokens available - one for library customers, and one for library staff.

The reading challenge is open to any Warwickshire Libraries members over the age of 16, and members are able to sign-up to the challenge online or in person (with a form of ID) at their local library. Residents who would like to take part and are not yet Warwickshire Libraries members are able to join as a member for free.
The official launch of the Book Bingo reading challenge is taking place at Rugby Library on Friday 31 January with a free Book Bingo Bonanza event. Visitors will have the opportunity from 7 – 9pm to win some exciting book-related prizes, including more National Book Tokens. To book your free place at this event, visit the Book Bingo Bonanza Eventbrite webpage.
Cllr Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
“Book Bingo is a great opportunity for adults to enjoy the many benefits of reading, from exploring new reading material and using the imagination, to discovering new interests and being able to connect with others.
“Warwickshire Libraries provide warm and welcoming spaces across the county, with many resources available for free. Our friendly staff can’t wait to meet those interested in joining the reading challenge at Rugby Library’s free launch event to start discovering the many joys of reading”.
To find out more about the Book Bingo reading challenge, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/bookbingo. There is also a dedicated Facebook group where participants can have conversations and share their ideas and reading recommendations.
To enjoy regular access to libraries across the county, residents can join Warwickshire Libraries as a member for free. Books are available for members to borrow in-person at a local library, through the online library catalogue, or by browsing the BorrowBox collection which includes a great range of eBooks and eAudiobooks.
To keep-up to date with Warwickshire Libraries’ latest information and events, follow the service on Facebook and Instagram, or sign-up to the weekly newsletter.