Last week the Prime Minister set out his AI action plan which aims to improve people’s everyday lives and ensure the public sector spends less time doing admin and more time delivering services.
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) invites anyone living in Warwickshire who has experience of adult social care to join the free Over a Brew online event on Thursday 23 January at 12.30pm to explore the benefits and challenges of AI in adult social care and hear from people who access care and how AI has supported them.
WCC uses AI in a variety of domains from traffic management, to supporting businesses and partners, to financial forecasting. In adult social care it makes use of algorithms to schedule appointments, increase productivity and assist staff in being more effective so their valuable time is optimised. In 2025, WCC will be exploring Agentic AI and its capabilities to increase efficiencies.
This online event is supported by the Curators of Change team who have a wealth of experience in coproduction - the importance of relationships in social care - and have been working with other local authorities around artificial intelligence to understand the many benefits, challenges, and opportunities to adult social care and how AI can support people to live independently.
Cllr Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder responsible for Adult Social Care & Health said:
This is the fourth Warwickshire Over a Brew online event which has supported people accessing adult social care to deepen their understanding of co-production and identify areas for growth. There are many benefits but also anxiety around AI in adult social care. If you receive care, are a carer, provider, social care practitioner or interested in hearing how Warwickshire County Council makes use of AI in adult social care and its plans for 2025, then I would encourage you to attend this online event. It will be a valuable opportunity to engage with all groups of people who are accessing or working in adult social care and learn more about the future of AI.
This Over a brew event focusing on AI in adult social care is an online event and free to attend, book a ticket here
For more information about working together to improve adult social care services, please visit:
Find out more about working together to improve Adult Social Care services.
For general information about wider services to support adults in Warwickshire go to