Warwickshire County Council is delighted to announce the continuation of funding for its highly cost-effective pothole repair service, ensuring that road maintenance remains top priority for 2025-26.
The Council’s dedicated ‘Find and Fix’ team successfully filled and repaired 4,881 potholes in 2024 and will continue making Warwickshire’s roads safer and more resilient.
Supported by additional government funding, the Find and Fix initiative enhances the efficiency of road maintenance while improving overall safety for residents and motorists.
The two people Find and Fix team travel Warwickshire’s (C and D category) roads looking for small defects (up to 2m sq) to repair before they become potholes.
This proactive approach is extremely effective in tackling smaller road defects before they escalate into larger, more expensive issues with greater disruption to the road network. The team will generally use 'give and take' traffic management to undertake the repairs and on some occasions will hold traffic temporarily to repair defects in the middle of a road, thus keeping disruption to a minimum. The find and fix approach is only be used on roads with a max 30mph speed limit.
If the team identifies a pothole that requires a more lengthy repair and additional traffic management such as temporary traffic lights, then it will be recorded and passed to the Delivery Team for repair.
Councillor Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for Transport and Planning, said: “The Find and Fix initiative is part of the council's comprehensive strategy for pothole repairs, which also includes planned safety inspections and routine highway inspections, both of which employ a risk-based approach to determine and schedule the most appropriate type of repair and the corresponding timeframe. Residents can also contribute to road safety by reporting potholes via our user-friendly online platform: warwickshire.gov.uk/potholes.
“Our pothole strategy takes into account factors such as the location and volume of traffic, the position of the defect within the road, and the size and depth of the pothole. The greater the risk, the quicker the repair.”
In 2024, the Council repaired a total of 12,331 (7450 safety Team/Routine & 4881 Find and Fix) potholes across the network, reinforcing its commitment to road safety and infrastructure maintenance. Residents are also encouraged to support these efforts by reporting potholes promptly.