Warwickshire County Council are proposing to make the above named Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to amend the S2, S3 and S4 Residents' Parking Zones.
Please Note: the public notice has a closing date for consultation resturns of 4th April. Due to a slight delay with the printing of letters to residents, the deadline has been extended to 18th April.
Following on from consultation carried out in late Summer 2024, a report was presented to the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning where it was resolved that the measures below would be implemented:
Decision Notice (November 2024 ) (PDF, 993 KB)
4 x parking bays (consisting of up to 11 parking spaces) in Mulberry Street and Shakespeare Street to change from:
- (8am – 6pm No Waiting / 6pm – 8am S2 Permit Holders); to
- (8am – 6pm Pay & Display or S2 Permit Holders / 6pm – 8am S2 Permit Holders Only);
All S4 zone bays hours of operation to change from:
- (8am – 10pm Pay & Display or S4 Permit Holders); to
- (8am – 6pm Pay & Display or S4 Permit Holders / 6pm – 8am S4 Permit Holders Only);
S3 Permit eligibility to be extended to residents of St. Gregory’s Road;
Changes to S2 Permit Eligibility for Samaritans;
A resolution was also passed to NOT take forward the proposals regarding the merging of the two (S2 & S4) residents' parking zones; instead seeking alternative proposals to achieve the best possible distribution of demand for parking in the finite number of spaces available across S2, S3 and S4. This has resulted in the proposals as detailed below.
Please note - It's expected that after consultation has been completed, a follow-up report will be presented to the Portfolio Holder for Transport Planning in June 2025 for a decision on whether to proceed to implementation with this Traffic Regulation Order. Surveys evaluating parking occupancy and availability (in the S2, S2/S3 and S4 zones) have been regularly carried out since January 2025 and will continue as late as possible in the lead up to the report, in order to maximise the data available to inform the decision.
- Parking bays in Maidenhead Road, Rowley Crescent and St Gregory's Road (currently eligible for use by either S2 or S3 permit holders) to be made eligible for use by S2, S3 or S4 permit holders
- The town centre permit zone (currently eligible for either S2 or S3 permits - consisting of selected residential properties on Birmingham Road, Guild Street, Windsor Street, Henley Street, Kearns Terrace, Victoria Close, Union Street, Meer Street, Greenhill Street, Wood Street, Bridge Street) to be made eligible for S2, S3 or S4 permits
- Properties developed at Maison 1, Arden Street to be removed from permit eligibility
- Samaritans' permit eligibility to be tranferred from the S2 zone to the S4 zone
Traffic Regulation Order, Plans and Supporting Documentation
- Public Notice (PDF, 198 KB)
- Consultation Plan Ref PTRO22-018-03 (PDF, 585 KB)
- Statement of Reasons (PDF. 153 KB)
- Draft Traffic Regulation Order ( PDF, 259 KB)
- Traffic Order Schedule, Map Tile HL37 Rev.2 (PDF, 363 KB)
- Traffic Order Schedule, Map Tile HM37 Rev.2 ( PDF, 370 KB)
- Traffic Order Schedule, Map Tile HN37 Rev.5 ( PDF, 477 KB)
- 2017 Traffic Regulation Order to be varied (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Objections, Representations and/or Support
Any objections, representations, or support for the proposals, which must be in writing and specify the grounds on which they are made, should be addressed to County Highways Minor Works, Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall post room, Rear of Shire Hall, Northgate Street, Warwick, CV34 4RL, or sent by email to pmc@warwickshire.gov.uk using the subject "Stratford S2/S3/S4". (Objections, representations, and the name of the objector will normally be treated as public information and may be published. For further information on how Warwickshire County Council processes personal data please refer to the Customer Privacy Notice which is available at https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/privacy).
Objections and representations must be sent so as to be received by: 18 April 2025