Warwickshire’s parents and carers can gain valuable advice on how to correctly fit child car seats from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS).
During a previous car wash event where WFRS checked child car seats, the team found that 25 out of 28 car seats that were checked were not fitted correctly. The most common issues that the team found during their safety checks were slack harnesses and the vehicle headrest impeding the fit of the car seat.
It is important to know how to correctly fit your child’s car seat in your vehicle, to ensure their safety. This includes knowing what type of car seat is suitable for your child’s weight and height and the vehicle. The car seat you choose should conform to the United Nations standard, ECE Regulation 44.04 (or R 44.03) or to the new i-size regulation, R129. Also look for the 'E' mark label on the seat. When fitting the seat, follow the manufacturers instructions or you can ask the retailer you purchased the car seat from if they provide a car seat fitting service.
Buying second hand car seats is not recommended as you cannot be sure of its history and the seat may have internal damage that cannot been seen which can compromise the safety of the seat. Second hand car seats are also more likely to be older and not be designed to current car seat standards.
It is also important to keep a car seat strapped in, even when it is not being used by a child, as it can be dangerous in the event of an accident as loose objects in cars can cause additional harm to passengers.
Firefighters from Coleshill Fire Station will be getting involved in their charity car wash event which is taking place on Sunday 23 March at Coleshill Fire Station. During the event they will also be offering free child car safety checks. All donations received will go towards The Fire Fighters Charity.
Councillor Andy Crump, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Fire and Rescue and Community Safety, said:
“Child car seat safety is very important, and we want to ensure that Warwickshire parents know how to fit their child’s car seat correctly in their cars. Having correctly fitted car seats can help to keep children safe during car journeys.
“To ensure you are following the law, the Government has set out a guideline such as making sure to check the child car seats are suitable for your child based on their height and weight.”
For more car seat safety tips, visit: