Pre-booked visits only to seven Warwickshire Household Waste Recycling Centres.
Wellesbourne and Stockton sites will remain closed.
What is an ‘essential’ visit?
Essential use is where both of the following apply:
- It is not safe to store your waste at home without causing a risk of injury, health or harm to you or other members of your household or the public.
- Alternative disposal options are not available.
An example might be a smashed mirror in a household with small children.
If you can temporarily store your waste or recycling in a way that does not pose a risk to your or others’ safety, then you must do so.
Why are we having to book a slot to visit the recycling centres?
The booking system is in place to keep site visitors and staff safe.
We expect that this is going to be a very busy period for the recycling centres. The booking system will make sure that we stay within Government advice on social distancing but still provide you with an efficient service.
What would happen if I didn’t book?
There will be traffic management measures and a meet-and-greet officer near the gate to check booking and provide direction. If you do not have a booking you will be turned away.
Is it safe for me to visit?
In addition to the booking system, measures are in place on site to maintain social distancing. Please observe site signage and staff instructions to keep safe.
You must not visit if you are isolating because you are:
- extremely vulnerable and are remaining at home for shielding purposes
- symptomatic with coronavirus (COVID-19) and under 7-day isolation, or
- in a 14-day household isolation
Which sites are open?
The following seven recycling centres are open to pre-booked and essential visits only:
- Lower House Farm, Atherstone
- Burton Farm, Stratford-upon-Avon
- Cherry Orchard, Kenilworth
- Hunters Lane, Rugby
- Judkins, Nuneaton
- Princes Drive, Leamington Spa
- Shipston
The following smaller sites will remain closed:
Our phased reopening will be under continual review and if the initial process goes well, we will work towards making further changes in order to offer maximum access to the recycling centre service whilst keeping visitors and staff safe.
How often can I visit?
The slots are for the disposal of waste that is causing a risk of harm if stored at your property. To maximise the opportunity for households in need of this service to visit the sites, we are limiting visits to one per fortnight. That is one visit per fortnight per household. Bookings will be checked and we will contact you to cancel a booking if you have exceeded your allocation. Your kerbside collections are available for the disposal and recycling of most types of waste.
How long will I have on site?
Each slot will be 15 minutes. Please pre-sort recycling and waste at home for a quick turnaround time to keep yourself safe and to help the site remain on schedule.
How do I book a slot?
You can book a slot on our recycling centres page. You must live in Warwickshire to be eligible (Staffordshire residents can book for Lower House Farm only). The recycling centre service will be different, so please read all of the booking information, so that you know what to expect when you visit.
What if I don’t have access to the internet?
Try to get a friend or relative with the internet to book for you, as the online system will be the quickest way for you to book onto one of the limited slots for visiting.
What do I need for booking?
You just need an email address to receive the ticket confirmation. You will be asked to complete your address and the registration number of the car you will visit in. You can also create a log on in the booking system to access your booking details.
Why can’t I get a slot?
It is expected that the first couple of weeks of the recycling centres opening will be a very busy period. It may be difficult to book a slot as there is limited availability at the sites due to social distancing and precautions that are in place on sites to ensure your safety. New slots will be released every other day, so check back to the booking page regularly. New releases will be announced on Warwickshire Recycles Facebook and Warwickshire Recycles X (previously Twitter), as well as other updates about the service.
What do I do if I can no longer make my booked appointment?
If you will not attend, please cancel your slot as soon as possible to make it available to other people.
Your visit
What are the vehicle restrictions?
We are only accepting waste delivered in cars. Vans and pick-ups are not allowed on site without a voucher or without paying at the weighbridge at Princes Drive or Hunters Lane. Bikes, trailers and walked-in waste are not allowed.
What waste can I bring?
Most waste streams will be available with some exceptions. To restrict movement around site and maintain safety for visitors and staff the following materials will not be available – textiles, glass and Tetrapak.
Glass can go in your kerbside recycling, while textiles and Tetrapak can be stored until we can accept them again.
The reuse shops will not be open.
Waste in wheelie bins cannot be accepted.
Limits on restricted materials will be enforced – three bags of rubble or soil, three sheets of plasterboard.
Contaminated waste (such as tissues or face masks) from a household with infection must be quarantined at home for at least 72 hours prior to visit and double bagged.
Can anyone on site assist me?
To protect our site staff, we are asking that you respect 2 metres social distancing while on site. Unfortunately, this means that staff will not be able to assist you by carrying large or heavy items. If you have a question staff are happy to help while observing social distancing.
How many people are allowed to deposit waste?
We request that only one person gets out of the car while visiting the site. This is to help maintain social distancing. On a discretionary basis, the site staff may allow a passenger to assist with heavy or bulky items.
Will the site layout be different?
There will be some changes. The most noticeable will be that parking places will be in a different place and spaces will be coned off to allow for social distancing. Park in allocated bays only, some parking bays will be coned off.
You must not cross or move barriers.
Avoid touching surfaces unless absolutely necessary.
Please follow site signage and staff instructions.
Won’t the sites be full of germs?
If you are at all concerned about your health, then do not visit.
Contaminated waste (e.g. tissues or face masks) from a household with infection must be quarantined at home for at least 72 hours prior to visit and double bagged.
Please wash your hands before loading your car and again before setting out on your journey.
Avoid touching surfaces on site unless absolutely necessary.
Do not touch your face and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after visiting.
Do I need to print off my ticket?
It is very important that you use the car that you registered at the time of booking. You can either print off the ticket or show the ticket on your phone when you get to the site gate. A note of your booking reference is also acceptable. By bringing proof of booking with you, your entrance into the site will go more smoothly.
What happens if I miss my slot?
Please don’t arrive earlier than 10 minutes before your slot. Try to get to site at the start of your slot, but at least within that time bracket. If you are late, it will depend on the traffic conditions at the site and will be at the discretion of the staff at the gate based on safe working practices.
Will the queue be long?
We have made careful plans to try to maintain a steady flow of visitors through the site and balance the space on site to safely deposit waste and a reasonable time allocation to do so. The system will be under continual review to try to keep to the time slots and queueing to a minimum. Visitors can help by arriving on time, but not too early. Please be patient; following signs and staff instructions.
Please stay in your car while queueing, with your windows up.
If I have a permit for recycling commercial/business waste, do I need to book a slot?
No. If you have paid for an annual permit to dispose of recyclable commercial waste you can visit a site as you normally would.
The site staff are excellent, aren’t they?
Thank you in advance for your patience. Staff are working hard in difficult circumstances to keep sites operating. Please treat our staff with respect.