Executive Director for Resources - Rob Powell
Our Council Plan 2022–27 sets out our priority areas for action and how we will achieve them.
In short, our vision is to make Warwickshire the best it can be, sustainable now and for future generations. We want Warwickshire to be a brilliant county in which to grow up, work and prosper and grow older: a county with a thriving economy and places with the right jobs, skills, and infrastructure; a place where people can live their best lives; where communities and individuals are supported to live safely, healthily, happily and independently; and a county with sustainable futures which means adapting to and mitigating climate change and meeting net zero commitments.
The Resources Directorate delivers the support and services which enable the organisation to achieve these outcomes. It also ensures the council is a great organisation and partner, harnessing community power, using data and digital solutions to improve service efficiency and a great organisation to work in with outstanding leadership and a talented agile workforce.
The many and varied services within the directorate provide services internally to other areas of the council, externally to our partners and communities, and directly to our residents and communities, including our libraries, registration services, heritage and culture and the council’s contact centre.