A school active travel plan is a free and bespoke document that we will support you in writing. The document will promote safer, active, and sustainable travel to and from school with the aim of reducing the number of journeys made by private vehicles.

There are a number of benefits to implementing a school travel plan:

  • Improving pupil, parent and staff’s health and wellbeing by encouraging walking, scooting, and cycling.
  • Active travel can increase pupil’s concentration by up to four hours.
  • Fifteen minutes of exercise can improve a child’s mood and contributes to their recommended 60 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Increasing road safety amongst pupils and consolidating the knowledge gained from their Road Safety Education lessons.
  • Reduce congestion and vehicle use around the school.
  • Improves air quality and the local environment.
  • Improves awareness of walking and cycling routes around the school.

Upon joining the Safe and Active School’s full programme and completing our active travel surveys, your school will be assigned a dedicated Safe and Active Travel Officer who will work closely with each school’s Active Travel Champion to produce your plan.

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