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Warwickshire County Council
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Education, learning and careers
School attendance
School attendance
Children missing education (CME)
Elective home education
School attendance guidance for parents/carers
Supporting children who are unable to attend their education setting (Section 19 of the Education Act 1996) policy
Part-time timetables
External links
GOV.UK - School attendance and absence
School exclusions hub
GOV.UK - Working together to improve school attendance
Parent/carer webinar and Q&A on Panels and Alternative Provision
Attendance is everyone’s business
Why attendance is everyone’s business infographic
Back into school resources for children and young people, families and schools
Related content
School term and holiday dates
Children in entertainment
Child employment
Supporting children and young people with medical needs who are unable to attend school
Warwickshire transitions guidance
Documents and Downloads
Warwickshire Schools’ Inclusion Charter (PDF, 816 KB)
Schools Considering Part-time Timetables Guidance Sept 2024 (PDF, 124KB)
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