Proposed schools
Where new school proposals arise, any information and supporting documents may be found below.
Given the extent of proposed housing development in Warwickshire over the next 15-20 years, we anticipate a need for extra new schools in addition to those listed.
Details of new schools will be provided as proposals become confirmed.
Callendar Farm, Nuneaton
There is a significant amount of housing development located to the north and east of Nuneaton, therefore a new two form entry (420 places) primary school is proposed in the northeast of Nuneaton.
The new school is planned for completion by September 2026.
Further information about this proposed new school is available on the open competitions page.
The Asps
In order to accommodate the expected pupil numbers from the 4500 new homes in the South Leamington/Warwick area, the primary school proposed at the Asps will consist of:
- Early years provision
- 1FE (210 places) or 2FE (420 places) primary school
- SEND resource provision attached to primary provision
It is expected that the school would open in September 2026.
Ashlawn Road
Ashlawn Primary School is a proposed new 2 Form Entry (2FE) primary school including an Early Years (EY) facility, integrated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) resource, and Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP).
The provision of the school is to accommodate the 1500 pupil demand generated from the construction of five-thousand new homes outlined as part of the Southwest Rugby Development.
Completion date to be determined.