There is clear policy on the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing which applies to all young people and adults within the school community. The policy is shared with all pupils, staff, parents and governors.
The School Leadership team should ensure that:
- The school development plan includes reference to promoting positive mental health and well-being/SEMH strategy.
- Associated school policies such as PSHE, Equality, Safeguarding, SEND, and Behaviour are implemented consistently and regularly reviewed.
- There is an effective approach to managing conflict, for example Restorative Justice.
- School staff are aware of the key content in relevant documents, including:
- Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools (2018)
- EEF Improving Behaviour in Schools (2019)
- Timpson Review of School Exclusions (2019)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)
- Working together to safeguard Children
- Equality Act (2010)
- Counselling in schools (2016)
- What works in promoting social and emotional well-being and responding to mental health problems in schools (2015)
- Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education
- Social and emotional wellbeing in primary education
- Young people are aware of who to approach in school to seek help. There are regular opportunities for this to take place, e.g. drop-in with members of staff
- Parents know who to approach in school if they have concerns or information regarding their child’s emotional and mental health.
- There is a procedure in place for supporting staff wellbeing, e.g. Stress Management Policy.
- There is a named governor with responsibility for monitoring and supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of the senior leadership team, especially the head teacher, SENCo and Safeguarding leads, for example using termly supervision.