Children's social care
How to report a child abuse concern and information about child social care assessments
Adult social care
Report an adult abuse concern, paying for social care, funding your own care, eligibility for adult social care and support and direct payments for social care support
Health and wellbeing
Mental health and wellbeing, flu vaccination, sexual health and relationships and healthy eating and healthy weight
Help to live at home
Home care and equipment, occupational therapy, get meals at home and housing-related support
Assessments and finance
Details of how to pay for social care and the process for a financial assessment
Assistive technology, how to apply for a blue badge, request a disabled parking bay and supported living for those with a disability
Register your interest in becoming a foster carer and different types of fostering
What you need to consider if you’re thinking about adopting a child
Options if you can’t live at home
Information on residential care homes and sheltered housing and assisted living
Support for carers, what is involved with a care and support plan and carer’s assessments
The Care Act
Details of the main features of The Care Act
Continuing your care away from Warwickshire
Managing direct payments and personal assistants, equipment, preparing for new assessments and who to let know you are moving
Quality assuring for social care services
Give feedback on our social care services
Social care and health publications
Including policies and strategies on our social care and health services
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