Directors of Public Health have a statutory requirement to write an annual report on the health of their population.

Director of Public Health, Shade Agboola

Dr Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health, Warwickshire County Council

Dr Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health, Warwickshire County Council

The Director of Public Health Annual Report is a vehicle for informing local people about the health of their community, as well as providing necessary information for decision-makers in local health services and authorities on health gaps and priorities that need to be addressed.

2023 – Breaking the Silence: Working together to Prevent Domestic Abuse


This year’s report focuses on domestic abuse and includes an overview of the health and wellbeing of the Warwickshire population, and information on progress with the 2021/22 recommendations.

Domestic Abuse is a crime which sits within the wider umbrella term of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). VAWG crimes include domestic abuse, rape and sexual assault, so called ‘honour’ based abuse, and stalking, amongst others. Domestic abuse is often hidden and is not limited to physical violence; it includes behaviour that is coercive and controlling. 

What all the crimes mentioned have in common is that they disproportionately affect women and children, and their impact extends to families, communities, and wider society. It must be acknowledged that men are also affected by these crimes, as well as those that are transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming. 

This year the annual report follows the story of a character named Mia, and her experience of domestic abuse, through the words of those surrounding her, and services involved. Whilst this story is fictional, the story is reflective of real-life experiences, and is intended to highlight the impact of this crime.   

The report concludes with a set of recommendations from Director of Public Health, Dr Shade Agboola. These aim to support the Violence against women and girls strategy through increasing awareness and strengthen support for those impacted by domestic abuse.

Readers of the report are encouraged to reflect upon their own role in preventing domestic abuse, whether it be from a personal perspective, within their professional role, or within their community.

2022 - Health and the High Cost of Living

The theme of the report was focused on health and the high cost of living in Warwickshire and raised awareness of the impact that wider determinants of health, such as income and expenditure, employment, education and the built environment can have on the health and wellbeing of Warwickshire’s residents as well as the affect the rising cost of living has on exacerbating some of the health inequalities which already exist in Warwickshire.

The Annual Report highlighted the breadth of activity taking place, both nationally and in Warwickshire, to mitigate against the impact of the rising cost of living and concluded with recommendations from Director of Public Health, Dr Shade Agboola framed around the themes of housing, food, and transport in order to address the causes of poor health and wellbeing

2020/21 - COVID-19: Impact in Warwickshire, an exceptional year

This 2020/21 report focused on Warwickshire residents and their experiences of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to understand how it impacted on their health along with other challenges they have faced and where they have found support. The report uses a case study approach to share residents' experiences of testing positive with COVID-19 and living through lockdown. The report is a vital tool to raise awareness of the impact of the pandemic in our communities, highlighting what we must put in place to support everyone to recover from the pandemic, improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. 

COVID-19 Stories

To accompany the report an online gallery, ‘COVID-19 Stories’, shares stories from Warwickshire residents about their experiences through the pandemic. Photographs from across the county have been captured to illustrate the case studies.  

Monitoring Health Inequalities

An online dashboard called ‘Monitoring Health Inequalities’ is published alongside the report and considers health data over time at various geographies. The data relates to a range of themes covered in the report, including the wider determinants of health and inequalities and will continue to be added to as more data is made available. 

Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has not only replicated existing health inequalities, but in some cases, has increased them, through its disproportionate impact on certain population groups. Action on health inequalities requires improving the lives of those with the worst health outcomes, fastest. The Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) aims to empower professionals across the health and the wider system landscape to do this. It supports the user to identify practical action in their work programme or service to address health inequalities and consequently improve health outcomes.  

PHE has also recently developed the Health Equity Audit Guide for Screening Providers and Commissioners.

This guidance is designed to be used in conjunction with the full or simplified HEAT tool, but has been tailored to be more specific to issues of relevance to screening services.

2019 - Working for Wellbeing in Warwickshire

This year’s report includes an overview of the health and wellbeing of the Warwickshire population, a focus on the theme of this year’s report; work, health and wellbeing, and progress with the 2018 recommendations.

2018 - Eat, Sleep, Selfie, Repeat: Growing up in Warwickshire with social media

This year’s report includes an overview of the health and wellbeing of the Warwickshire population, and a focus on the theme of this year’s report; the impact of social media on young people's health and wellbeing, together with information on progress with the 2017 recommendations.

2017 - Everyone in Warwickshire counts: valuing the vulnerable

2016 - Public Health matters: Sex, Drugs and Fluoridation

2015 - Children and Young People: Investing in the future

2014 - Protecting Health - a hidden agenda

2013 - Learning from the past, planning for the future

2012 - 1 in 3 - The picture of ill health in Warwickshire

2011 - Reaching higher - healthy lives, healthy people, healthy Warwickshire

2010 - Best health for older people in Warwickshire

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