Youth Workers jointly working with schools and young people to deliver targeted youth support to support the right young people at the right time.

Working closely with school staff, Youth Workers can be allocated to secondary schools to deliver targeted youth work for small groups of young people over a whole academic term.


This is a free offer from Warwickshire County Council with Youth Workers coming in to school 2 hours a week throughout the term.

What will they offer?

The Youth Work offer will include delivery of any of the programs listed below with young people. The Youth Worker can also tailor bespoke delivery depending on the needs of young people at your school. The Youth Worker will work closely with school staff to ensure that young people get the right support.

Group work modules
Module Description
Street Smart

Focusing on peer group pressure and friendships.

This course would be useful for young people who you feel are at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour out of school. This course would be useful for young people who might need some support to make the right decisions in their personal lives.

Managing Feelings - Anger

Learning skills on how to manage anger and exploring reasons behind challenging behaviours.

This course would be useful for young people who are struggling to keep it together. This is primarily about preventing exclusion from school.

Managing Feelings - Anxiety

This course would be suitable for young people who might be finding the school a worrying place to be.

This is aimed at young people who would benefit for a bit of support and extra skills to help school feel more comfortable and manageable.

Respectful Relationships

Looking at healthy relationships by exploring gender socialisation, personal rights and boundaries.

This course would be useful for young women who might be a risk of being in a controlling relationship and young men who have a stereotyped idea of how men should behave. This links to the Domestic Abuse agenda.

Digital Tattoo

Exploring issues around social media and Child Exploitation.

This course would be useful for young people who may be struggling to manage their social media presence and need support in setting themselves some safer boundaries.

My Body, My Options This offer looks at good decision making around sexual health, keeping safe, consent and where to go for support and help.
Different Thinking Looking at the decision-making process behind alcohol use and building practical skills to empower young people to address alcohol concerns.

What we need from you

To ensure that we maximise the time in school to deliver most effectively, we would require the Youth Worker to have a space within school each week as well as internet access. A named contact in school who knows the support that young people need is also vital to support the building of relationships.

How to arrange a youth worker for your school

Email and we will be in contact to organise this delivery and to ask any further questions.

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