Types of children’s social work at Warwickshire County Council

The breadth of roles in Children’s Services means you can shape your own career, whether that's becoming the best at what you do, progressing with your strengths and ambition, or exploring interests in other areas, you'll grow into who you want to be.

Family Connect/Multi Agency Child Protection Team – Respond to new referrals and safeguarding concerns from professionals and other members of the community, signpost to other agencies, complete assessments of need and investigate allegations of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse to protect children and young people from harm.

Family Help – Support children and young people who receive targeted early help support, child in need support, child protection services, care and pre-proceedings work, utilising the strengths of the family. This kind of social work often takes place over several months and involves regular visits with families.

Children in Care – Work with children and young people who live with foster carers, kinship carers or in residential homes and fulfil the council’s obligation as a corporate parent.

Leaving Care and Unaccompanied Asylum – Work with children who are unaccompanied and seeking asylum as they are separated from both parents and making the transition into adulthood. Support young people to live independently in their community and receive education, training, or employment.

Children with Disabilities – Support children and young people who have a registered disability and work with multi-agency teams to deliver holistic services to help children with complex, acute needs.

Fostering and Adoption – Recruit, address and support prospective foster carers and adoptive parents and consider their suitability to look after and bring up children whilst helping them with training and professional development.

Youth Justice Service – Offer advice to young people over the age of ten who are involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour. Support young people to find alternative strategies to guide them away from criminal activity.

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