Warwickshire County Council, Targeted Youth Support (TYS) is pleased to support funding for voluntary and community organisations in Warwickshire to support youth clubs across the county.

The Youth Club Grant is aimed at community and voluntary groups that provide youth clubs for 11-18-year-olds within Warwickshire. Its main purpose is to increase and enhance youth club capacity and capability in Warwickshire.

The Youth Club Grants aim to support organisations to establish positive relationships with young people within a youth club setting, provide long-term, sustainable youth work and be able to demonstrable improvements in outcomes for young people in Warwickshire.

The funding awarded is to support the delivery of weekly youth clubs over a period of 12 months with projects taking place in the evenings after 6pm and weekends. Delivery must not be exclusive to school holidays or for short term projects.

The funding is for staffing/wages and/or contributions towards rental costs.

Organisations must outline in the application, their intention and ability to affect positive change and work towards positive outcomes for young people with an outline of programme delivery within their youth club.

The organisation’s youth club must be inclusive and equitable for all young people who wish to access it. It should not exclude specific groups of young people who are aged between 11 and 18.

The Youth Clubs MUST be for young people to access themselves. There should be no referral system for young people to access the provision.

Warwickshire Youth Club Grant information

Applicant details  

For this fund, we are seeking applications from voluntary and community organisations who run or would like to commence youth club provision for young people aged between 11-18 for delivery in Warwickshire.

Who can apply?  

  • Constituted ‘not-for-profit’ community and voluntary organisations in Warwickshire who are committed to providing youth club provision for young people aged between 11-18

Who cannot apply?

  • Organisations who have received funding for youth work delivery within the last 12 months from WCC TYS
  • Party political/lobby groups
  • Individuals
  • Statutory organisations
  • Schools
  • Organisations that solely provide alternative education provision
  • Sporting organisations

What will not be funded by the WCC Youth Club Grant

  • Projects that promote religious or party-political beliefs  
  • Projects for personal profit or personal gain  
  • Costs relating to anything prior to the award of funding
  • Loans or debt repayments  
  • Activities that are part of statutory obligations  
  • Existing contractual arrangements with WCC  
  • Any building or equipment maintenance  
  • Any projects that exclude groups of young people   
  • Any project that does not provide universal youth club provision (available for all) to young people aged between 11-18  
  • Vehicles  
  • Running costs of existing buildings  
  • Leasing buildings or renting office space   
  • Outdoor activity equipment    
  • Electronics, televisions, ICT equipment etc  
  • Residential
  • Conferences  

Warwickshire Youth Club Grant Details

  • Individual organisations can make bids between £3000 and £5000
  • It will NOT be for capital but will be for revenue costs. The revenue costs will be for staffing costs. In exceptional circumstances, revenue funding will be given for contributions to rental costs (to be agreed with WCC TYS at the beginning of the funding term)

Youth Club Grant Application Form

All projects must follow national legislation, guidance, and good practice in relation to equality and diversity; health and safety; and safeguarding.

Funding for Youth Work Training

We are also excited to announce that there is additional funding available for organisations to have access to free training opportunities for staff and volunteers. The training on offer will include youth work training and safeguarding courses.

The free training modules available are:

  • NVQ 2 in Youth Work
  • Safeguarding in Youth Work
  • Emergency First Aid

Please note due to limited places, we can not take more than three bookings per organisation for each module available.

Warwickshire Youth Work Alliance Group

We have a Facebook group with other youth clubs within Warwickshire where members can discuss and share good youth work opportunities and practice.

Warwickshire Youth Club Alliance Facebook

Setting up and running a youth club

Warwickshire County Council's Children and Families service have created a helpful guide containing useful things to consider when setting up and running a club (PDF, 351 KB)

More information

Please contact youthclubgrants@warwickshire.gov.uk for more information about the grants or training available.

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