A child does not require a performance licence when:
- The child is required to perform for one day and in the 6 months preceding that performance the child has not exceeded the 3-day unlicensed exemption period (a child can possibly perform for four days in a six month period without the need for a licence)
- AND they do not require time off school (paid or unpaid)
- OR the performance is under arrangements made with school or a Body of Persons (Body of Persons exemptions can be granted by a local education authority or secretary of state if certain criteria are met)
- AND no payment is made to the child or any other person, except for defraying expenses.
Exemption Declaration (PDF, 132 KB)
Exemption Request Forms
We no longer require the details of the children on the declaration, just the number of Warwickshire children taking part in the performance. You will still be required to keep these details which will include name, address, date of birth and details of performances participated in within the previous 6 months. Please ensure forms are fully complete and submitted at least 21 days before the start of the performance/activity, as if it is found that children require a licence we cannot guarantee the processing of your licence in time for the performance/activity.
If you have sent your licence/exemption request form(s) to us within 21 days and you do not receive anything from us one week prior to the performance start date, please contact us. Please email licences/exemptions requests to childentertainment@warwickshire.gov.uk.