About Warwickshire Resilience Forum

This page provides an overview of the work and membership of the Warwickshire Resilience Forum.

For more detailed information, please visit the dedicated Warwickshire Resilience Forum website.

The Warwickshire Resilience Forum (WRF) is a group of partner agencies that share responsibility to continually develop Warwickshire's resilience in the face of major emergency situations. It receives guidance and support from lead Government departments and agencies, local authorities, emergency services, NHS bodies, utilities and communication providers and transport companies.

WRF is activated to assist in responding to emergencies when a combined multi-agency co-ordination would result in a more effective and efficient outcome. Any one of the partner agencies can also activate WRF when there is a need for more capacity beyond their own resources.

The close collaboration of WRF partners is not limited to responding to emergencies, and dealing with the aftermath. It also includes a continuous programme of behind-the-scenes activity in planning, preparation and development of response strategies for potential emergency risks in the county.

Who we are

Warwickshire Resilience Forum currently comprises the following agencies:

Category one responders

Organisations at the core of the response:

Category two responders

Co-operating agencies that are less likely to be involved in the core planning work but may be heavily involved in incidents:

Emergency advice

Emergency advice for residents

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