The challenges

The Challenge Grid

Download the Challenge Grid (PDF, 2.9MB)

Use the Challenge Grid to record what you have completed.

Ask a responsible person (it could be an adult or fellow challenger) to sign to confirm you have completed each challenge.

Take a look at our ideas to help get you started with some of the challenges.

The challenges are split into five sections.


Enterprise - hammer and spannerLearning and developing work skills, planning, leading, being innovative and creative.

When you leave education you will sooner or later need to join the world of work. Employers look for students with academic qualifications as part of their selection process, but they will also be interested in the characteristics, personality and ‘soft skills’ that you have that mean you are able to work alongside others.

Enterprise challenges

  • Take a leadership course

  • Open a savings account

  • Learn how to mend a puncture on a bike

  • Learn to use DIY tools

  • Plan a journey on public transport (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Set up a work experience placement  (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Find out about part time jobs and write a CV

  • Learn some basic sewing skills

  • Make a savings plan for something you want to buy

  • Learn how to mow the lawn and weed the garden

  • Create a desk space

  • Plan and cook a meal for others (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Learning some basics in 2 languages

  • Make a timetable for the week ahead


Wellbeing - hands and heartBeing selfless, supporting local charities and your community, being mindful, being aware of the environment and being kind.

An essential quality of any good citizen and human being is to consider the needs of others, especially those less fortunate than ourselves. Another essential quality is to reflect and act on the way we use the natural world and the resources around us, preserving the world for future generations.

Wellbeing challenges

  • Undertake 10 random acts of kindness (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Do one thing you are afraid of (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Describe how you acted respectfully or disrespectfully this week

  • Practice breathing meditation

  • Go 48 hours without a screen

  • Find 3 new things you like to eat and learn how to cook them

  • Read a novel cover to cover

  • Sow some seeds and look after them

  • Listen to a podcast then create your own

  • Teach someone how to use Zoom / Teams / WhatsApp

  • Make a birthday card for someone

  • Create a questionnaire and interview an older person (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Hand-write a letter to a friend or relative

  • Write a song, rap, or chant about respect

  • Complete some mindfulness colouring

  • Be a vegetarian or vegan for a week


Engagement - thumbs upVolunteering, understanding democracy and citizenship.

Members of a thriving society understand and support the values that underpin it. Understanding these allows us all to function together and work co-operatively and recognise the value of others within a diverse society.

Engagement challenges

  • Volunteer with a charity (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Gather views via a survey and present to your local MP

  • Volunteer in a charity shop (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Fundraise for a local charity

  • Learn about local democracy

  • Find out about organisations you can join

  • Do a local litter pick (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Do an odd job for a friend or neighbour (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Research someone from your local community

  • Hold a debate with your friends (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Visit and reflect at a war memorial site (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)


Enjoyment - saxophone and paintbrushArt, music, singing, performing, skills or hobbies.

Art encourages development of fine motor skills, brain connections and problem-solving abilities which could help you with your other studies such as reading, writing, maths and science. Art allows you to process your world and to deal with sometimes scary emotions in a safe way. 

Music can enrich your life and education. Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. Learning to play an instrument can help you fine-tune your ear and enhance skills needed for education and social interaction. 

Learning to perform can help you learn how to work as part of a team, listening to others and expressing yourself. It can teach you about empathy, compassion and how to express and understand your feelings and those of others. 

Learning a new skill or hobby will help keep you healthy, it will keep your mind engaged and reduce boredom. It will help you learn things faster over time by stimulating neurons in your brain! You might become more open to change and a belief that you can learn new things. 

Enjoyment challenges

  • Learn how to draw or paint in a certain style

  • Arrange a trip to the theatre (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Perform in front of an audience (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Visit an art gallery (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Listen to 3 pieces of classical music

  • Be an advocate for art

  • Watch a classic movie

  • Teach yourself to improve photos on your phone

  • Put a flatpack piece of furniture together or build a bird box

  • Visit a local museum (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Learn to back a Victoria sponge cake

  • Make pancake batter and try to toss a pancake

  • Attend a concert or live musical (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Calculate your age on other planets

  • Complete a 1,000 piece jigsaw

  • Design an awareness poster about something you feel strongly about

  • Create a family tree

  • Write a meal plan for the day including snacks

  • Plan how to care for an animal

  • Make a game / write a story or teach a nursery rhyme for a younger child (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Learn how to iron a piece of clothing

  • Wash a car


Energy - sports equipmentPhysical activity, sports, challenge yourself to be resilient.

It is good to take yourself out of your comfort zone: always doing things you know you can do might make things feel easy but you miss out on so much. Challenging yourself means you learn a lot about yourself; it might take determination to overcome some physical difficulties or psychological barriers, but pushing yourself to the edge and doing it provides a real sense of achievement and helps you grow as a person.

Energy challenges

  • Sort out some washing and learn how to use a washing machine

  • Learn how to use chopsticks

  • Learn how to play chess or complete a Rubik's Cube

  • Make a short movie or animation

  • Set up a still life and paint it

  • Learn to juggle with 3 balls or even 5

  • Learn a new sport (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Walk 5,000 steps or set you own challenge - maybe even 30,000 (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Learn to swim or improve your technique (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Download the Couch to 5K app (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Plan a local route and go for a bike ride (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

  • Learn to ride a bike or skateboard

  • Learn how to put up a tent and camp out overnight (may be affected by COVID lockdown guidelines)

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