Help and advice for completing the challenges


Enterprise - hammer and spannerLearning and developing work skills, planning, leading, being innovative and creative.

Take a leadership course

Open a savings account

  • You will need a parent/carer to help you.

Learn how to repair a puncture on a bike

Set up a work experience placement

Find out about part time jobs and write a CV

Learn basic sewing skills

Make a savings plan for something you want to buy

Learn how to mow the lawn and weed the garden

  • This could be at a relative's house

Create a desk space

Plan and cook a meal for others

Learn some basic words in 2 different languages

Make a timetable for the week ahead

  • Think about how you'll spend your time after school. Make sure you have time to do your homework, but also spend time with your friends/family and do things you enjoy doing!


Wellbeing - hands and heartBeing selfless, supporting local charities and your community, being mindful, being aware of the environment and being kind.

Describe how you acted respectfully or disrespectfully this week

  • Write it down. Now describe ways you have acted respectfully or disrespectfully this week.

Practice breathing meditation

Read a novel cover to cover

Sow some seeds and look after them

Listen to a podcast then create your own

Teach someone how to use Zoom / Teams /Whatsapp

  • Help them can keep in touch with people more easily.

Write a song, a rap, or a chant about respect

  • Your words should tell why respect is important and how it could make the world a better place. Write the rap on a piece of paper and be ready to respect it to the group if called upon.

Complete some mindfulness colouring


Engagement - thumbs upVolunteering, understanding democracy and citizenship.

Volunteer with a charity

Gather views via a survey and present to your local MP

  • Create a Facebook poll over an issue important to you. Look up petitions and see if there are any petitions already set up on that issue? Advertise those through your peers.

Fundraise for a local charity

Learn about local democracy

Find out more about organisations you could join

Do a local litter pick

  • This could be at school

Visit and reflect at a war memorial site


Enjoyment - saxophone and paintbrushArt, music, singing, performing, skills or hobbies.

Learn how to draw or paint in a certain style

Arrange a trip to the theatre

Perform in front of an audience

  • Or record a performance in private and then play the recording to an audience, upload it to YouTube or TikTok.

Visit an art gallery

Teach yourself how to improve the photos on your phone

Put a flatpack piece of furniture together or build a bird box

Visit a local museum

Learn to bake a Victoria sponge cake

Write a meal plan for the day including snacks

  • Try to include some foods from all 5 food groups

Plan how to care for an animal.

  • Choose an animal and plan all the things that you would need to do and to provide to care for it.


Energy - sports equipmentPhysical activity, sports, challenge yourself to be resilient.

Make a short film or animation

  • Make screen time about creativity, rather than passivity. Apps like Procreate, Auxy and iMovie can be used to make art, music and short films.

Learn to juggle with 3 balls or even 5

Learn a new sport

  • If you can't join a local club try watching YouTube tutorials
  • Sport England - ideas such as Couch to 5k.

Download the Couch to 5K app and start running

Plan a local route and go for a bike ride

Learn to ride a bike/skateboard

Learn how to put up a tent and camp out overnight

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