• Notify your insurer as soon as possible to report the fire and begin the claims process.  
    • They can provide guidance on what steps to take next. 
  • If your home is uninhabitable, seek temporary shelter with family, friends, or an emergency accommodation centre. 
    • Contact your local council for help if needed. 
  • Do not re-enter your home until it has been declared safe by the fire service.  
    • They will assess the structural integrity and potential hazards such as loose debris or weakened floors. 
  • Contact the fire service to request a copy of the official fire incident report. 
    • This may be requested by insurance providers and can help you understand the cause of the fire. 
  • Secure your property to prevent further damage or unauthorized entry.  
    • This may involve boarding up broken windows or securing damaged doors. 
  • Take photographs or videos of the damage caused by the fire.  
    • This evidence will be useful during the claims process and for insurance purposes. 
  • Salvage what you can.  
    • If safe to do so, remove essential documents, valuables, and sentimental items from the fire-damaged property.  
    • Be cautious of smoke or water damage. 
  • Discard any food or beverages that were exposed to heat, smoke, or firefighting chemicals.  
    • It’s better to prioritize safety and avoid potential health risks. 
  • Reach out to local support organizations, community groups, or counselling services to seek emotional support for you and your family. 
    • Recovering from a fire can be a traumatic experience, so asking for help is a good idea. 
  • Engage with professionals such as fire restoration companies, electricians, and plumbers to restore utilities, repair damages, and mitigate further issues. 
  • Stay vigilant for scams: some people may try and take advantage at this vulnerable time
    • Be cautious of anyone offering services at excessive prices or demanding upfront payment. 

It's important to consult with professionals and follow any specific instructions provided by your local fire service or relevant authorities. Recovering from a fire can be a lengthy and challenging process, but with support and proper guidance, you can gradually restore your home and move forward. 

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