Health and general safety tips

  • Wear a mask or cover your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling lingering smoke or hazardous particles. 
  • Open doors and windows cautiously to circulate fresh air, but prevent drafts that could reignite debris. 
  • Wear gloves, sturdy shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and pants to minimize contact with soot, chemicals, or debris. 
  • Use recommended cleaning agents to clean salvaged surfaces and belongings, wearing gloves for protection. 
  • Follow local guidelines to discard contaminated unsalvageable items like furniture, carpets, or exposed food. 
  • Wash hands thoroughly due to lingering harmful substances on surfaces. 
  • Consult local water authority about water supply safety for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. 
  • Get trusted professionals to assess and repair damaged gas and electric systems before use. 
  • Test smoke alarms and replace where needed.  
    • Consider upgrading to modern interconnected options for enhanced safety. 
  • Stay hydrated, rest well, and seek medical help for health concerns.  
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