Key stage 1
In Primary Schools, our aim is to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of fire safety behaviour and to provide them with survival skills in the event of a fire.
The session lasts an hour and is delivered by firefighters from a local station or a member of the Prevention team.
The important safety messages are delivered in a fun and interactive way, using a variety of resources and visual aids. By getting up and active in the sessions the children not only enjoy their learning but are able to retain and relay these messages to family and friends.
In order to maintain a consistent and standardised approach to safeguarding it is imperative that a teacher remains present at all times during the session. is your one-stop shop for safety education! This free online library is brimming with engaging resources and activities curated by the UK's top emergency services and safety organisations. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or caregiver, Staywise makes it simple to find reliable materials that teach children essential safety skills and foster a lifelong commitment to safety.
Content of year 1 session
- What does a Firefighter do?
- Firefighter kit
- Firefighter life video
- Causes of fire
- Safe and unsafe fires
- Fire action plan video
- Crawl low in smoke activity
- Importance of smoke alarms
- Stop, Drop, and Roll activity
- Calling 999 role play activity
- What have you learnt today?
Resources for pupils
- Activity sheet
- Colouring crayons
- Sticker
- Adult's guide for spotting hazards and preventing accidents
- 999 role play script
- Safe and well letter
Resources for teachers
- StayWise poster with QR code
- Additional resources sheet