Flooding preparedness and safety

Follow our tips to help keep yourself, your loved ones and your community safe during extreme rainfall and flooding:  

Stay informed by keeping an eye on local weather forecasts, flood warnings, and alerts provided by Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service and other local authorities

  • Stay tuned to local radio stations or emergency broadcasts for updates. 

Develop a household flood emergency plan, including evacuation routes and contact numbers

  • Identify important documents and possessions to protect by moving upstairs.  

Prepare an emergency kit with food, water, medications, first aid supplies, and essential documents

  • Keep it readily accessible in case of sudden evacuation. 

Follow any evacuation orders from local authorities and emergency services

  • Leave promptly, take only essentials, and use designated evacuation routes. 

Turn off mains for electricity, gas, and water if flooding is expected

  • Avoid electrical equipment and switches while in water. 

Do not walk, swim, or drive in floodwater. It may be deeper than you think and contain dangerous items

  • Plan routes ahead of time and turn around if you encounter flooded roads. 
  • Teach children about floodwater dangers. 

Respect road closure signs and barriers for your safety

Support your community and ensure everyone's safety

  • Check on neighbours, especially vulnerable individuals. 

Flooding can be a challenging and life-threatening situation. By following these safety tips , we can collectively minimize the risks associated with flooding and protect ourselves and our communities.  

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