November 2024: An update on the scheme

This junction on the A46 and the works which have been taking place are visible to all. For local residents, businesses, and road users it is clear that progress has been disrupted for many months.

The project has encountered unforeseen technical difficulties. The County Council is needing to take care in addressing these issues with our contractor, partner agencies and funders.  We are very aware that the project must be completed as soon as possible, and that any extra costs must be minimised.

We would like to thank residents, businesses and road users for their continued patience and reassure you that we are doing everything we can to see all traffic management removed and the A46 Stoneleigh junction scheme completed.

We are painfully aware that this is frustrating for everyone and that it is not a good reflection on your council.  We know this and wish to convey that we, like you, want to see this scheme completed as soon as possible.

But there are limits to the things we can say, as we are bound by a contractual relationship.  While frustrating for the public, we must respect this key relationship.

In order to keep everyone updated on our progress, we have compiled a number of frequently asked questions and answers describing the current situation, and what is happening to bring the project to a conclusion. We will provide regular updates with more information on progress as it becomes available.

What progress has been made and what works are taking place now?

Much progress has been made with substantial elements of the scheme nearing completion. 

  • Dalehouse Lane and Stoneleigh Road are on their new alignments,
  • New bridge over Finham Brook is open
  • Significant works completed on the A46 itself, including new slip roads.

Work is now focused on finishing the incomplete areas of the site, particularly resolving the issue around the unavailable backfill material for the new A46 bridge which has caused delay in completing the project.

Why are the works delayed and what are we doing about it?

There have been delays with the completion of the scheme as the Council and our on-site contractor have been working through a variety of technical challenges against a backdrop of rising material and labour costs.

It has proved impossible to obtain the specific backfill material required for placement behind the abutments on the new A46 bridge. Whilst an alternative material was identified, the quantities needed could not be provided.  This has further delayed progress.

The Council, National Highways (who will ultimately take ownership of the bridge) and the Contractor have been developing a re-design for the bridge wingwalls that will allow the use of other types of backfill material. Developing the new design involves considering changes. We need to minimise any extra costs and delay to road users, whilst analysing how design changes impact the elements of the structure that have already been constructed and that meet the requirements of National Highways.  Please be assured we are doing all we can to move this forward as quickly as possible.  

When will the works be completed?

Once final agreement on the design proposals have been reached with National Highways, we will be able to provide an update on the anticipated completion date and a restart of the bridge works.

Will the traffic management remain in place?

The traffic management on the Stoneleigh junction will remain in place for the time being, and the cones are in place to direct the traffic around the junction. The traffic management on the A46 is partially for the A46 Stoneleigh Junction works and partially for HS2. We will be reducing our traffic management as far as possible on the A46 and HS2 will retain theirs where it is needed for the safety of the travelling public.

Can I still use the junction?

The junction can be used, and if there is a need to close any parts of the junction to complete the works then this will be advertised in advance.

Is the HS2 scheme impacted?

The HS2 works are not impacted by the works at the Stoneleigh Junction. The two project teams are in close contact to ensure good understanding of the activities on the A46 and how these work with each other. The delay with the Stoneleigh Bridge has no delay impact for the HS2 works.

HS2 are constructing a box structure to take the new HS2 line under the A46 in Kenilworth. This structure is currently being built offline adjacent to the carriageway. The preparatory work and installation of the new structure taking HS2 under the A46 is not dependent on the completion of the new roundabout at the A46 Stoneleigh Junction.

Once HS2 have built the structure, it will be moved into place using a “box push” technique across the existing carriageway. To complete preparatory works there will be two full weekend closures of the A46 in early 2025. To install the box structure there will be a full closure of the A46 for up to three weeks in Spring 2025.

You can visit the HS2 website for further information on their work.

Is there an increase to the cost of the scheme?

The delays to the completion of the scheme will impact the scheme costs. These costs are subject to ongoing negotiations between the Council and the contractor and are not fully ascertained at this time. We and the Contractor have different views on liabilities and so this will take time to resolve.  In the meantime, we are both committed to completing the Scheme.

Upon completion of the works and when the final costs of the project are known, these will be published.

The Council is making financial provision for meeting any increased costs from existing budgets so that work can continue.

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A46 Stoneleigh Junction - General Enquiries

01926 738583

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A46 Junction - Emergency Traffic Management

07392 280007

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