Scheme development and delivery

The development and delivery of sustainable transport improvements within Rugby Borough are essential to support its housing and employment growth proposals as set out in Rugby Borough Local Plan 2011 to 2031 (adopted in June 2019).

In addition, demand for rail has grown in Warwickshire with passenger numbers rising steeply. Whilst COVID-19 has impacted on passenger numbers in the short term, the longer term trend is for passenger numbers to continue to grow and rail remains the sustainable transport mode of choice for many residents.

The town centre location of Rugby Station restricts its ability to expand to meet the anticipated growth in passenger numbers. A second access to the local and national rail network, Rugby Parkway, is therefore required. The location to the South East of Rugby adjacent to the Houlton development and close to DIRFT ensures the growing population is supported by sustainable transport infrastructure. 

What about Rugby Station?

We are developing plans for Rugby Station. These plans are seeking to improve the passenger experience as well as make the station more accessible by integrating bus, cycle, and pedestrian routes.

What benefits will Rugby Parkway Station deliver?

Rugby Parkway Station will:

  • Ease congestion on the road network around Rugby Town Station by providing a second access to the local and national rail network for residents and businesses in Rugby
  • Provide a direct rail service to London, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Coventry and Birmingham, and a circa 5 minute journey time into Rugby itself
  • Support a shift from private car use to rail for all or part of a journey and link with local bus, cycle and walking routes for sustainable travel options.
  • Movement to and from the station via the new highway access design will deliver convenient and safe access for all modes of travel across Crick Road and support existing active modes of travel (such as walking and cycling)
  • The station site layout will integrate access for sustainable modes of travel into and around the site
  • Be a step-change for businesses, supporting economic growth and improving accessibility to employment sites within Rugby and the adjacent DIRFT (Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal) site
  • Improve access to employment, education, leisure and travel opportunities for residents and businesses supporting Rugby’s growing population

Who is funding the scheme?

Warwickshire County Council has funded the development of the project to date. Warwickshire County Council is currently exploring funding options for the next stage of the development of the proposals.

Is Rugby Parkway definitely happening?

We are progressing the delivery of Rugby Parkway Station as part of its commitment to making the rail network accessible to its residents and businesses; it has a proven track record of successfully delivering new stations including Warwick Parkway, Stratford upon Avon Parkway and Kenilworth stations.

When will the station be open for passengers?

Our ambition is for Rugby Parkway Station to open to passengers in 2029, subject to funding and necessary consents being secured. It should be noted that this is a provisional date given the project is in its early stages of development.

When will construction start?

Construction of the station is anticipated to begin in 2027 subject to funding and necessary consents being secured. 

Who is promoting the scheme?

The scheme is being promoted by Warwickshire County Council and the rail industry.

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