Managing the environment
The project has sought guidance the extent of the transport impact assessments we carry out and surveys required in support of the station proposal. The results of these surveys indicate a minimal impact on the local road network. The phasing of the lights at the new junction on Crick Road will be critical to minimise the impact during peak travel times.
A Transport Assessment and Road Safety Audit will be submitted as part of the application for outline planning permission.
What is the environmental impact of the station?
The scope, extent and nature of the surveys, assessments and other information required to support the application for outline planning permission has been determined through on-going engagement with local planning authority officers. The ecological surveys and assessments will be used to inform the later detailed design process. All reports will be submitted in support of the planning application. The project will seek to deliver biodiversity net gain, include embedded mitigation and safeguard land for wildlife.
How will the project seek to manage construction?
Details of how construction will be managed to mitigate the environmental impacts (including noise, vibration, dust, and traffic) are subject to a planning condition.
At the point of construction there will necessarily be ‘out of hours’ work at this location because we are building a station on an operational railway line. Neighbours will be kept informed about planned working arrangements so they are aware of and can plan for any disruption.
Every effort will be made to ensure that the impacts on residents and businesses are kept as low as possible during daytime, night, or weekend working.