Traffic management
While the vaulted section of the archway is being re-built, the eastbound lane of the High Street will need to be closed for the first few weeks of the project. This will enable the diversion of the pedestrian walkway into the lane closure so that a temporary structural support and working platform can be erected and construction activities that could be dangerous to the public can be safely completed inside the arch. After this, the pedestrian walkway will be re-opened and the traffic management removed while the new vaulted arch is built. Traffic management will not be required again until the final week of the project when the working platform is removed.
The traffic management will consist of three-way temporary traffic signals at the High Street, West Street and Bowling Green Street junction and will be in place during March and again for a week in late May 2019. These will be manned by traffic management operatives during peak hours so that queue lengths can be monitored and the signal timings adjusted accordingly.
Leycester Place will also be closed for this phase of the work so that three-way rather than four-way traffic signals can be used to improve traffic flows. This closure will also give the stonemasons space for their welfare facilities and to store materials. Further details on the traffic management arrangements can be seen on