When are the works planned to end?
The work began in early September 2018 and the original phase of work was completed in January 2019. Additional defects identified with the vaulted section of the structure have added a second phase of works is expected to continue until June 2019.
How is the project being funded?
The project was planned to be one of 13 heritage structure restoration schemes submitted for a government challenge funding bid. Unforeseen circumstances have delayed the bidding process so to minimise the ongoing cost of the scaffold inside the arch, Warwickshire County Council’s Bridge Maintenance capital budget is being used to fund the project.
Why is the eastbound lane of the High Street being closed?
In order to safely undertake works to the outside face of West Gate, a temporary scaffold needs to be erected in the road. Also, while the temporary pedestrian tunnel is erected and removed inside the archway, it will not be safe to allow pedestrians to pass beneath. The narrow footways on Bowling Green Street are not suitable for use as a diversion route so pedestrians will be diverted in the carriageway around the arch. A lane closure is therefore required for these phases of the project.
Is the structure being rebuilt ‘like for like’?
The quarries used to source the original Warwick Sandstone that forms West Gate closed long ago but there are other quarries in the UK that produce very similar stone. A number of samples will be sourced and the best match will be agreed with Warwick District Councillor’s Conservation Officer. The pointing will be in traditional lime mortar, the colour of which will also be agreed with the Conservation Officer.
Once complete, the replacement stonework will look new and will stand out against the original. This is normal when undertaking masonry repairs to historic structures and the new stone will weather to match the existing over time.