Kenilworth traffic calming scheme - Albion Street (TR/10923)
Proposal to install a series of road humps at various locations along Albion Street, Upper Rosemary Hill and Stoneleigh Road in Kenilworth.
Warwick traffic calming and crossing - West Street (TR/11094)
Proposal to introduce a raised table with a central refuge and footway build-outs on West Street, Warwick.
Warwick district waiting restrictions and on-street parking - various (TR/11124)
Introducing parking and waiting restrictions at various locations in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Radford Semele and Warwick.
Leamington Spa traffic calming measures - Gainsborough Drive (TR/10862)
Installing four priority give-way chicanes on Gainsborough Drive, Leamington Spa.
Leamington Spa on-street parking and waiting restrictions - various (TR/11084)
Introducing waiting restrictions on Valley Road and on-street parking on Radford Road.
Speed limit between Wellesbourne and Barford (TR/10966)
Imposing a 50mph speed limit on the A429 between Barford and Wellesbourne.
Public consultation on proposed changes to on-street parking - July 2019
Covering the cost of residents’ permits and how permitting will be managed in the future.
Informal consultation on residents' parking in Warwick – Wedgnock Green and surrounding streets (TR/10893)
Introducing a residents’ parking scheme in Wedgnock Green, Deerpark Drive, Newburgh Crescent, Oken Road and a section of Cape Road in Warwick.
Informal consultation on extending L2 residents' parking zone in Leamington Spa (TR/10951)
We are considering an extension to the L2 residents’ parking zone including Leicester Street, Hill Street, Suffolk Street and Norfolk Street in Leamington Spa.
Warwick district waiting restrictions and on-street parking - various (TR/10734)
Introducing waiting restrictions and changes to residents' parking and on-street parking at various locations.