Information for schools and sample letters
The Department for Education guidance on suspensions and permanent exclusions has changed as of September 2022.
GOV.UK - School suspensions and permanent exclusions
Please note - all letters and guidance documents have been updated in line with new guidance and can be downloaded below.
This page has resources, guidance and template letters for schools to use.
Schools may also want to refer to the government’s guidance on managing exclusions.
Exclusions – model letters
These letters are to be sent to parents when a child has been excluded. You will note that the modified paragraphs are highlighted to reflect current information from the Department for Education.
- Model letter 1 (DOCX, 41 KB) - From head teacher notifying parent of a suspension of 5 school days or fewer in one term, and where a public examination is not missed.
- Model letter 2 (DOCX, 42 KB) - From head teacher notifying parent(s) of a pupil of that pupil's suspension of more than 5 school days (up to and including 15 school days) in a term.
- Model letter 3 (DOCX, 41 KB) - From head teacher notifying parent of a suspension of more than 15 school days in total in one term or taking the total to more than 15 school days in one term.
- Model letter 4 (DOCX, 41 KB) - From the head teacher of a primary, secondary or special school notifying the parent(s) of that pupil’s permanent exclusion.
- Model letter 5 (DOCX, 41 KB) - From the clerk to the governing body to a parent upholding a permanent exclusion.