The aim of the Warwickshire SEND Inclusion Guidance is to provide information for practitioners about the provision and support that is expected to be made available in all Warwickshire mainstream schools and settings supporting young people aged 5-16 years. 

In line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), the purpose of the SEND Inclusion Guidance is to help schools to implement effective extra support for young people who are not progressing at the expected rate, at the Graduated Approach level. 

The SEND Inclusion Guidance also provides information to parents regarding how schools in Warwickshire most effectively meet the needs of young people with SEND. 

The Case for Inclusion 

Our ambition across Warwickshire is to ensure that the highest expectations for all young people with SEND are met so that they are succeeding and achieving their best in schools and settings close to home, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood. The case for inclusion is further detailed in the Warwickshire SEND and Inclusion strategy (PDF, 4.8 MB)

As part of its commitments under articles 7 and 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the UK Government is committed to inclusive education and the progressive removal of barriers to learning and participation in mainstream education. 

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) provides statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations, which schools have to follow.  This inclusion guidance has been produced in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2015.  


Throughout this document:

  • The term ‘young people’ refers to children and young people aged between 5 and 16 years
  • The term ‘parents’ refers to parents and carers

For definitions of key terms please see the document  definitions and key terms (PDF, 410 KB).

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