Mainstream schools and academies
Most children with SEND will be educated in their local mainstream school. In Warwickshire, over 10,000 children with SEN Support needs are supported in their mainstream school without an EHC plan.
If you think your child needs extra support, you should first speak to the SENCO at your school. An EHC assessment will help identify extra support needs and provision.
Warwickshire hosts 230 mainstream schools across the county.
Find information about each school.
Admission to mainstream schools is through the usual school admissions process.
The SEND code of practice states that parents may request a place at a particular school. It sets out the rights of parents and the responsibilities of schools and local councils.
Schools and local councils must consider the education of other children at the school when deciding on a placement.
The graphic below shows how most children with SEND can be supported in mainstream schools. Depending on the needs of the learner, consideration can be given to placement in resourced provision, state specialist provision and independent specialist provision.