
The Market Position Statement provides an overview of our approach to market development, our commitment to achieving positive outcomes, strategic intentions, and the financial context within which we operate. Collaboration, sustainability, and innovation are underscored as crucial elements in the provision of care services in Warwickshire.

Moving forward, we will continue working closely with our Health and Social Care partners to integrate services and ensure the delivery of high-quality care and support in the most suitable settings, with a focus on minimising hospital admissions. Technological advancements and innovation will be leveraged to transform commissioned services, enabling service users to receive personalised care. This involves ongoing development of digital platforms and the utilisation of Assistive Technology (AT) to maximise independence within the residential care setting.

Furthermore, we recognise the importance of our voluntary and community sector partners in addressing social care challenges and meeting the diverse needs of communities. We will actively collaborate with these organisations, fostering innovation and seeking to strengthen partnerships to enhance the well-being of citizens in the years to come

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