Working age adults care and support in Warwickshire
Warwickshire’s adult social care system aims to deliver comprehensive support to adults aged 16 to 64 with diverse needs, encompassing learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs, and those requiring specialised behavioural support, physical disabilities, and sensory needs. This includes tailoring support to individual needs, addressing workforce stability concerns, and navigating budget constraints.
To achieve this aim, a collaborative effort is important, engaging a diverse array of stakeholders such as service providers, local authorities, and the community. Key strategies involve regular reviews, gaining feedback from service users, and strategic planning.
Supported living
Supported living in Warwickshire for working age adults (aged 16 to 64) who have eligible needs under the Care Act and with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory needs, mental health needs and/or autistic people. Supported living involves providing tailored assistance to help individuals live independently within their community. The focus is on empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives while receiving the necessary support.
Key aspects of supported living include:
- Tailored support: Personalised assistance is offered based on the unique needs of individuals and building on strengths.
- Independence: The goal is to promote independence by offering support within the individual’s own residence. This approach enhances autonomy and integration into the community.
- Community inclusion: Supported living emphasises active participation in the community. It encourages social interactions, engagement in local activities, and integration into community life.
- Holistic care: Individuals receive holistic care, encompassing various aspects of their well-being, including physical health, mental health, and social integration.
- Flexibility: Supported living services are flexible, adapting to the changing needs of individuals over time. This ensures that the support remains relevant and effective.
Overnight respite
Overnight respite is essential for adults aged 16 to 64 with disabilities, mental health needs, and/or autism in Warwickshire. These services provide muchneeded support by offering overnight breaks to family caregivers, allowing them to recharge and attend to their own needs. Under the Working Age Adults Framework, WCC aimed to commission more varied respite opportunities away from traditional building-based provision. Support of this nature must also recognise the needs of family/carers therefore, short breaks should be flexible. Respite can also include support in the individual’s home, a short-term residential setting and/or emergency short breaks to prevent carer breakdown.
Short breaks
Adult short breaks provides the opportunity for individuals to have a break away from the family, providing enjoyment for themselves, and respite for family carers.
Short breaks can vary in duration, from a few hours to several days, depending on the individual’s and caregiver’s needs. The frequency of short breaks may be determined based on the care plan and the specific requirements of the individual.
Community provision
Community provision in Warwickshire caters to working age adults (aged 16 to 64) with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and sensory needs, mental health needs and autistic adults. Community provision can involve providing structured support and activities for individuals during the day, promoting their wellbeing and community inclusion.
Community provision can include community-based day opportunities, building-based offers or a combination of both. Services should be accessible and personalised aligning with the evolving needs and preferences of individuals with diverse abilities and conditions.
Live in care
Live in care in Warwickshire for working age adults (aged 16 to 64) with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and sensory needs, and mental health needs involves the provision of comprehensive support within the individual’s own residence. This tailored service is designed to address specific needs and promote independence while ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment.
The live in care model offers continuous assistance, including personal care, medication management, and emotional support. It enables individuals with diverse abilities and conditions to receive dedicated care within the familiarity of their home. This approach fosters a sense of autonomy and contributes to the overall wellbeing of the recipients.
Live in care in Warwickshire emphasises a personcentred approach, recognising the unique requirements of each individual. This care option is a flexible and holistic solution, catering to the diverse needs of working age adults, thereby enhancing their quality of life.
Shared Lives
Shared Lives is a scheme in Warwickshire designed to provide working age adults (aged 16 to 64) with additional needs a flexible form of supported living. This program centres on carers who offer accommodation and support within their own homes, enabling a more personalised and inclusive approach to adult social care. The scheme aims to foster independence and community integration for service users by placing them in a family-like environment where they can develop lasting relationships and receive tailored care. Shared Lives represents a significant shift from traditional residential care models, emphasising the importance of individualised support and community-based living. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals with disabilities and/or mental health needs, ensuring they receive the support necessary to lead fulfilling lives within their communities.
Transforming care
For people with the most complex behaviours, we will encourage the development of specialist services with a skilled workforce to work with individuals. Our Market Position Statement for transforming care is due to be published shortly.
Other services
We are committed to improving the lives of adults with a disability, mental health needs and autistic adults by helping them to be independent, have healthier lives, build strong networks in their communities and have more choice and control over their care and support. We will continue to embed coproduction with experts by experience in the review and improvement of our provision to ensure it is responsive and personalised.
We are committed to ensuring that our working age adults community provision supports individuals to access and autonomously move into mainstream social, leisure, educational, cultural activities and other opportunities in the wider community. We aim to ensure that our community support offer is person-centered, strength based and has the needs of the individual at the heart of everything they do to enable them to live as full a life as possible.