What’s next?
We will continue to improve the Local Offer in line with the feedback we receive from families, practitioners and other partners to ensure information is easy to find and understand and available when it is needed. We will hold more events to engage with young people and their families and find out what’s important to them. The feedback will inform the next phase of development for young people's pages and that parents carers help to restructure the landing page for the Local Offer to ensure that this provide clearer welcome and navigation to what parent carers are looking for
We will ensure there is a contact point in each service to ensure the Local Offer is kept up to date, and that children and young people, parent carers and professionals continue to use it and find it helpful.
We will continue to promote the Local Offer, so families and practitioners know where to go for information, including posting out business cards with information on the Local Offer and the live feedback form to all schools and settings to share with families and holding outreach events in our communities.
We will ensure there is ongoing coproduction in place with young people parent carers and professionals, so people feel listened to, involved in decision making and satisfied with the process.