Working well in Warwickshire

At Warwickshire County Council, we find out what is working well for people, so we can focus our support where they really need it.

In Social Care & Support, our three priority outcomes are:

  • Safeguard - Safeguard adults whose circumstances make them vulnerable and protect them from avoidable harm.
  • Support - Enhance the quality of life for people and delay and reduce the need for care and support.
  • Satisfy - Ensure that people have a positive experience of care and support.

In delivering these three priority outcomes, we use our strength-based approach, ‘Start with Strengths’, promoting and enabling our residents to be independent and resilient, retaining their ability to make choices and promoting wellbeing.

Start with Strengths

In Warwickshire, we Start with Strengths, whether with the people we support, communities, colleagues or ourselves.

Our Start with Strengths approach is applied through:

Meaningful conversations - In applying the strength-based approach we have moved away from prescriptive assessment forms and lists of questions to engaging in open conversations with our customers and carers about what is important to them. The Care Act 2014 remains the key legislation governing our work with a focus on outcomes and wellbeing, and our customers and their carers are recognised as experts in their own lives and active participants in their care planning.

Peer Group - Since 2019, Social Care and Support in Warwickshire has stepped away from using panels to allocate funding to our customers. Instead, staff attend Peer Group discussions where the individual with support needs can be discussed using a strength-based approach. These sessions allow for the sharing of knowledge and good practice and enable a more flexible approach to meeting the needs of customers and carers. Peer Group sessions are a good place for new staff to meet colleagues and learn about the area and service they work in.

Our partners - Warwickshire County Council doesn’t work in isolation and is part of the Warwickshire and Coventry Integrated Care System, a group of local organisations working together to support our communities.

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