Garden design, Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton

This SARC is the first one in the UK to have a garden and has proved to be highly successful. The aim was to provide a therapeutic outdoor space for both clients and staff to relax and enjoy. Much effort went into choosing appropriate plants, materials and colours to convey a sense of calm and refuge within the garden. We worked closely with the client to arrive at the final scheme, which comprises a quarter circle pergola with seating, paths, timber archway, area of turf for children to play on and planted areas. The work was carried out by WCC’s Community Safety team and volunteers. The pergola and seating were made and installed by WCC’s Woodwork & Construction team.
The garden has been highly praised and was given a special mention by Baroness Vivien Stern C.B.E. when she officially opened the centre in 2013.