Bonfire safety

We understand the importance of keeping you and your loved ones safe all year round. So, we have put together some practical tips to help you navigate the potential fire risks associated with outdoor activities and seasonal celebrations.  

From summer barbecues and fireworks displays to winter bonfires and holiday decorations, it's crucial to be mindful of fire safety to prevent accidents and protect our communities. Together, let's prioritise safety and make every occasion a memorable one for all the right reasons. 

Bonfire Safety: Protect Yourself and Others   

The best way to keep your loved ones and community safe on Bonfire Night is to attend large public displays as they generally follow strict safety guidelines. If you decide to have a private bonfire, please minimise risk by: 

Building your bonfire in an open space 

  • Situate the bonfire a safe distance away from any structures, foliage, cables, and any other flammable obstructions by at least 18 meters (60 feet). 

Building a sturdy structure to prevent collapse

  • Create a base using non-flammable materials such as stones or bricks. 
  • Ensure it is on stable ground. 
  • Don’t make it too high or wide – this makes it easier to lose control. 
  • Never place dangerous items, such as aerosols, glass, or gas canisters on the bonfire. 

Lighting your bonfire safely

  • Stand a safe distance away and use a long-reach lighting device.  
  • Keep a bucket of water, sand, or a fire extinguisher nearby. 
  • An adult should be always tending to the bonfire. 

Following personal safety guidelines

  • Dress appropriately, avoiding loose or flammable clothing. 
  • Ensure you are wearing sturdy footwear suitable for outdoor conditions. 
  • Keep pets indoors or in a safe, secure area during bonfire events to prevent accidents and distress. 
  • Be cautious of sparks and embers and maintain a safe distance from the bonfire at all times. 
  • Remind children about the importance of not playing near or around the bonfire.   

Be prepared in case of Emergency

  • Establish clear boundaries and restrict access to the bonfire area. 
  • Have a first aid kit readily available in case of minor burns or injuries. 
  • Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures and have clear instructions displayed at the bonfire site. 
  • If an accident does occur, call 999 immediately and provide accurate location information. 

By following these essential guidelines and safety tips, you can ensure a safe and memorable bonfire experience for all. It is crucial to prioritise safety to prevent accidents and injuries.  

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